Selling Your Home? List Exclusively!

What is an Exclusive Listing?

An exclusive listing is a type of real estate listing agreement in which a property seller appoints and specifically authorizes one real estate broker to act as the seller's sole agent. By contrast, in an open or non-exclusive listing, the seller retains the right to employ any number of brokers as agents.

Why List Exclusively?

Maximum Exposure

Exclusive listings provide KW Sint Maarten the control and confidence that is needed to present your property to the outside world - attracting those most qualified and ready to buy.

High Quality Offers

Exclusive listings offer more time to pick the best prospects. As a result you can get “the best offer” the first time. It also eliminates the need for long negotiations that usually end in counter-offers, counter-counter-offers and so on - ending up with “no sale anyway”

Simplified Negotiations

When you enter into an Exclusive Listing, it becomes pretty clear: we represent you, the property owner. Buyers know and respect that kind of confidence, while also respecting us (the listing agent) since we have your support as the owner and can get right to business.


Sales fall through because of incomplete or inaccurate property  information all the time. That’s not the case when going ‘Exclusive’. An Exclusive Listing also shows how serious you as the seller really are.

The Relationship

The Exclusive Listing Agreement establishes a ground for honesty, trust and confidence between seller and broker. We’re dedicated to you and your interests as the seller. After all, sellers pay the 8% commission fee. It also means we can share property information openly with all the brokers in Sint Maarten that we trust.

Here's how we commit to selling your property

  • We help put your best foot forward with market knowledge, pricing and staging
  • Using our marketing systems to maximize your property's exposure
  • Paving the way for a smooth and satisfactory transaction
  • Guaranteeing satisfaction - our relationship is dependent on meeting and exceeding your needs

Interested in listing your property exclusively with KW Sint Maarten? Call us today to learn more about the benefits.

We are located at Balsam Drive 76, Cay Hill (Across from Kooyman).

You can reach us by phone at + 1 (721) 543-6767.